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Welcome to Dance Fusion

Welcome to Dance Fusion

A happier you...


Laura created Dance Fusion in 2017, which started off as a side line project whilst she was working as a professional Singer and Choreographer in the UK.

Laura gained her Level 2 ETM qualification in 2010 where she also attended training courses in Zumba

Zumba Gold, Burlexercise, Fitsteps, Ballet Be Fit, Pilates and gained her level 2 kid's fitness qualification. 


Laura started her professional career when she graduated from Liverpool Theatre School in 2006. 

She has worked all over the UK and overseas in various production shows, as well as choreographing for UK holiday parks and even choreographing for the show 'Westend Heros' where she performed in the Dominion Theatre, London. 

Her highlight was performing in the musical 'Fame' touring Italy. 


 See Laura's personal website


Laura has taught dance and singing since the age of 17. 

From teaching Baby Ballet, 18 month old babies all the way to Line Dancing aged 90+!


"I have a passion for making people smile and helping feel better about themselves.

If only more people understood the power of dance, movement and music and what it can do for the mind, body and soul"


 You’re welcome to browse our site to see what we can offer.

Bringing like minded ladies together, to feel better!
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